黑皮猪 狠狠干 《灰姑娘》电影引束身衣热销
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狠狠干 《灰姑娘》电影引束身衣热销

发布日期:2024-09-27 22:33    点击次数:129

狠狠干 《灰姑娘》电影引束身衣热销



Cinderella's wardrobe may be brimming with ornate glass slippers but it's her classic hour-glass figure women are lusting after. 省略灰姑娘的衣橱里尽是丽都的玻璃鞋,但是招致万千青娥跋扈跟从的却是她的沙漏型躯壳。

The new Disney film, starring British actress Lily James in the title role, has helped spur on a revival of the shape-shifting garment according to The Sunday Times. 据《日曜日泰晤士报》报说念,由英国女演员莉莉•詹姆斯主演的这部迪士尼新片引起了塑型束身衣的回答抖擞。

The new trailer for the rags-to-riches fairy tale sees 25-year-old Lily flaunt an enviably tiny waist thanks to the help of an icy-blue corset dress complete with floor-skimming puffball skirt. 在这个灰姑娘变身白富好意思的童话故事预报片里,25岁的莉莉穿戴冰蓝色束身蓬蓬裙,长裙拖曳,柳腰唯妙,煞惹东说念主妒。

One leading retailer of the traditional, steel-boned women's corsets, What Katie Did, has seen sales of the garment grow by 50 per cent in the past three months. 一位传统女性钢制束身胸衣行业的主要零卖商“凯蒂制衣”说,在昔时三个月里,这家店的束身衣销量增长了50%。

While online auction website eBay has reported sales of the more modern corset rise by 54 per cent since December. 与此同期,在线拍卖网站易趣数据线路,12月以来,当代款束身衣销量以致增长了54%。

Esher-born Lily, who is dating former Doctor Who star Matt Smith, 32, recently hit back at claims that movie makers had digitally altered her figure. 生于伊舍的莉莉,当今正和32岁的前《秘籍博士》主演马蒂•史小姐走动。有传言指电影中莉莉的身型是用电脑特级修自新的,但是最近莉莉对此暗示否定。

She says her minuscule waist is achieved by wearing an ultra-constricting corset and by consuming a liquid diet. 她暗示她保握纤纤细腰的武艺是穿超压缩束身衣和吃流质食品狠狠干。

Lily told E! News: 'When [the corset] was on we would be on continuous days, so we wouldn't stop for lunch or a lovely tea —you'd be sort of eating on the move. 莉莉告诉记者:“一穿上束身衣,就要聚积穿好几天,是以不会停驻来吃午餐或者喝个好意思好意思的下昼茶——咱们只可一边走动一边进食。 '

In that case, I couldn't untie the corset. So if you ate food it didn't really digest properly and I'd be burping all afternoon in and it was just really sort of unpleasant. “那工夫我齐不成解开束身衣。是以如若吃东西的话,也不成好好消化。我理会盘下昼齐打嗝,这确切很不惬意。”

'I'd have soup so that I could still eat but it wouldn't get stuck.' “我一般会喝汤,这么既能吃点东西,也不会被噎住。”

But it's not just on the big screen where corsets are making a comeback. 然则束身衣的回答抖擞不仅出当今大银幕上。

The restricting bodice, which helps boost breasts, banish muffin top and slim the tum, has featured on the catwalks of Stella McCartney and Alexander Wang this season. 这种能够让东说念主挺胸收腹,突显躯壳的束身衣在本季度斯特拉•麦卡特尼和亚历山大•王的时装秀场上也熠熠生辉。

Meanwhile, Madonna turned heads in a risque custom-made Givenchy corset at The Grammy Awards last month. 麦当娜还在上个月的格莱好意思受奖现场穿了一套有感冒化的纪梵希定制束身衣。

Fellow singer Kylie Minogue has been stunning onstage in a scarlet bodice during her current Kiss Me Once tour, which touched down inPerth,Australialast night. 在澳大利亚帕斯,歌手凯利•米诺在我方的“再吻一次”巡回演唱会穿了一件鲜红色的束身衣,惊艳四座。


Founder of What Katie Did, Katie Thomas, told The Sunday Times that the corset revival is all about female empowerment. “凯蒂制衣”的独创东说念主凯蒂•托马斯跟《日曜日泰晤士报》说,束身衣的回答抖擞与女权密切联系。

 'It's more about being confident, powerful and being in control while looking good as well,' she said. “穿上束身衣,就意味着在保握完竣外形的同期,展现自信、能力以及适度力。”

However, health experts have warned of the dangers. 但是,健康内行却指出了其中的危害。

Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of ob-gyn at Yale School of Medicine, told Women's Health: 耶鲁医学院妇产科临床施展玛丽•珍妮•敏金见知《妇女健康》:

'Medically, it doesn’t make sense that cinching your waist tightly will make it permanently smaller. “从医学上来说,把腰围束紧,并不成让腰围变苗条。”

'Once you take the garment off, your body will return to its usual shape. “一朝你把紧身衣脱下来,你的躯壳就会恢规复状。”

'It’s also uncomfortable, restricts your movements, and if you wear it really tight, it can even make it difficult to breathe and theoretically could cause rib damage.' “何况这也不惬意,杀青了你的举止,如若你穿得太紧,以致还会呼吸贫苦,何况表面上可能导致肋骨毁伤。”

